Pine Hill Remodeling is based in nearby Decatur and services Avondale Estates. For those new to the area, the mostly Tudor-style downtown area of Avondale Estates, known as the commercial district, is home to a variety of businesses including antique and consignment stores. The city is the location of the first Waffle House, which opened its doors Labor Day weekend of 1955. Waffle House operates a museum at the original location today and a separate restaurant elsewhere in the city.
For more information on the area, check out the City of Avondale Estates Website.
The pictures that follow are some New Additions we recently completed in the area. One part of the project was building a New Carport. There was no way to run power to it without spending some more money than the owner wanted to invest, so we installed solar-powered lights on the center beam, with the solar cells mounted to the backside of the roof. We installed a planting shelf made of Cedar which had its challenges to anchor to the granite wall. The other portion was to expand by adding a New Rooftop Deck for Outdoor Living. The new deck was made just above the back porch